Kintsch's Construction-Integration Model is a scheme theory model that activates students prior knowledge in the reading comprehension process. This model was very beneficial for me to read because it helped me to understand that reading comprehension is a spiral process. What we know about a topic before we read can help us tremendously with understanding the text. This model is reading text while activating prior knowledge and applying it by explaining what we've read. Kintsch says we then use what we learn and apply it to the next text and so on and so on. This is how reading becomes a spiral because we pull from all kinds of sources such as prior knowledge, making inferences, and text evidence. I have been trying to implement good reading strategies in my classroom this year, but now I feel like I have a better visual of the whole process from Kintsch's Construction-Integration Model that I can share with my students. I'm going to apply this model to my classroom by enforcing to activate background knowledge and making inferences and then applying their new knowledge across the content areas. To do this I will have my students use KWL charts, graphic organizers, and inference charts while reading. Some examples to do so can be found at the bottom of my blog!
Popplet- app for graphic organizers
Website for KWL charts and mini lesson plans
Website for inference graphic organizer as well as organizers for all other text structures